Michelle Joelle Designs

My passion is bringing your imagination into the world. 
About me

The Artist

An Artist!!!  I could stop right there because it really speaks to how I relate to everything in my life.  But there is more to me than just art.  I love puzzles so in my head everything is figure-out-able.  Is that a word?  It is today.  Honestly at my core who I am is someone who believes in always trying to leave anything I touch better than I found it, if at all possible.  I didn't want to just be a graphic designer or an artist of one medium or another.  I wanted to be a creative solutionist (yup I'm aware that too is not a word and I'm ok with it).  Yes that is a word. I wanted to make the ideas in your head become a tangible and sharable entity in what ever form we can think of.   My impression is that many people think of art as the action of making something pretty or interesting.  But to me art is the act of revealing the possibilities of anything touched by an artist.  When I wake up in the morning I am not an artist because of anything someone told me or because there is a piece of paper somewhere that says I am.  I am an artist because everything I see, real or imagined, has the possibility to be so much more. 

Tips for Working With An Artist


Every piece of art everywhere in the world started with emotions.  When you are looking for an artist to help you create whats in your mind . . . start with what emotion you want the piece to portray.


The right color can make you hungry, scared, calm and a host of other feelings.  Your color palette for any project is as important as the project itself.  So be mindful of the colors, tints and tones you want.  It is worth the extra effort to look up how colors affect the person seeing them. 

The Look

This is the part most people wanting help creating have articulating.  The look.  What do you want it to look like?  Don't feel bad if your answer is always "I don't know".  You are in the majority...LOL.  What I can tell you is be patient with the one trying to help you find "your look".  They have to try and pull it out of you.  And If you don't know, then they have to try many different looks until you do. 